The Digital Experience for agents – an inside view of how product innovation makes this a reality
Carriers continue to face challenges creating digital experiences. When the pandemic began, many carriers created digitally focused buying processes for their customers.
While these early advances were focused on the end-consumer, most customers still seek an omni-channel experience. They may start the life insurance buying process online, however most purchases at the final stage occur through an agent.
The newest generation of insurance agents want to have the “ease of doing business” via a digital experience. The easier the experience, the more likely an agent is to place business with a carrier. The competition for agent loyalty is hotter than ever.
While much of the COVID-19 era was focused on reaching consumers directly and making their process easier, carriers now need to focus on creating the easy, digital experience for agents. It’s the most essential thing carriers can do right now to retain and attract agents and continue to grow.
What will the agent digital experience of the future look like? How does the new wave of product innovation and technology enable this journey? Join us for an in-depth discussion about how we are meeting challenges today, and get a first look at the agent experience of the (near) future.