Realizing the dream: End-to-end data flows that help you digitize
It’s no longer a dream–end to end data solutions exist and life and annuity insurers can implement them! Atidot–one of this discussion’s featured panelists–reported that up to 80% of data held by life insurers is not used for strategic purposes. Imagine what could be possible by opening up access to that data.
Could you better assess risk? Provide more coverage options for current policyholders? Group prospects into buckets for embedded insurance opportunities? Predict the behavior of current and future customers? Create better targeted marketing? Strategically market where data shows opportunities? Become more competitive? Get actionable alerts based on data, leading to better customer experiences and more engagement–ultimately increasing customers’ lifetime value? Get relevant and expansive health data for agile underwriting processes? Use data to drive customer value for annuity policyholders?
With end to end data capabilities, life insurers can marry data sources from legacy systems, leading to unprecedented results. With this much usable data, life and annuity insurers can achieve the happily ever after that they deserve.